Friday, July 1, 2011


ihavesmalleyes was telling me about this website: with all the photos of wasted people outside mainly zouk and we happened to spot this pair of malay man and woman filming our friend while she was lying along the road puking.

it may seem hilarious or interesting to look at various drunkards in their worst state, but its seriously not funny to be the one whos being filmed or seeing your friend being filmed.

so next time, dont get so wasted in clubs or puke in the toiletbowl ( dont think they can afford the entry fees). DONT give these people chance to record down your unglam moments and share it with the world.

photos from wednesday night.

ihavesmalleyes! <3


ok, so singapore is pretty small, everyone seems to know everyone.
was sitting right beside a friend's gf the whole night and i didnt know.

hopefully i will have an awesome week ahead. *pray.


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