Tuesday, January 4, 2011


happy 2011.....
didnt ended the year happily but nevertheless, everythings fine now! (:
almost wanted to write another list of resolution for the year, but i decided to screw it, since i totally forgot about the 2010 ones till i looked back my old post. haha

back being a student, after a real long break.
made wonderful friends ivy, cheryl, michael, jian hao...
being a bitch, im really sorry to you
tuitions tuitions tuitions but i got no money no money no money
nocturnal animal.
met YOU. ^^
drama queen
hotmail, msn and facebook got hacked , stupid me and FML.
simple 21st.
awesome christmas!
NEW FRIDGE! hahaha
simple countdown.

that sums up my 2010.

may 2011 > 2010

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